Saturday, December 6, 2008

~Decorating the tree~

We got our tree on Thursday night but did not have time to decorate it so on Friday Michael's asthma was acting up & he was home from school so we decided to go & get Kamrynn out of school at one & decorate it in the afternoon. We had never done this in the middle of the day! It is always dark when we do it so we shut all the blinds & turned off the lights to make it feel "normal"! It was a lot of fun to take our time & not have to hurry. The kids had a blast!
Kamrynn & Michael
Here is my wild haired child! Here hair actually lays down nice but on this day we had it in a ponytail & she had just pulled it out so she looks crazy! I love it like this!

Isabell learning how to hang the ornaments! (and then pull them all off as fast as brother & sister can put them on!)
I love this!

Jeff & I. He is the designated "ornament hook put-er-on-er" as the kids say!

Kamrynn & I (and her enormous wad of gum!)

Looking for more to hang!

Finally all finished! Michael & Izzy hangin out lookin at the lights.

Say cheese!

Ha! Ha! I had to put this one on here! Here is Kam laying on our bed watching T.V. Now if you look real close, you can see that she is laying on something (or in this case, someone!) Yes! That is Jeff totally passed out underneath her! She was just laying there all relaxed & he really was asleep! I just thought it was too funny not to share!!

1 comment:

Christina said...

Looks like your family is in the Christmas spirit! How nice to have so many hands to help with the tree. Looks like they had fun. And Izzy's hair TOTALLY cracks me up. So cute!