Friday, May 30, 2008

Big Race in Topeka

We all went to Topeka this past Memorial Day weekend and Michael raced in the Monza & did very well! (as you can see in the first picture of him & all of his trophies!) The picture also shows all of his cars. He is now racing three classes so it makes for a really busy weekend for Jeff but he absolutely loves it! Isabell finally decided that she would sleep in her playpen instead of in between Mommy & Daddy like she has been doing in hotels so I was very happy about that! Kamrynn really feels like a big girl because she is finally old enough that I feel comfortable with her running around with her friends. In fact, I rarely see her except for the few times that she comes to let me know that she is doing ok! All of the kids look forward to these races because it is one of the few times that they get to see each other during the year.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

That looks so fun. How long will he be able to continue racing (meaning is there an age cut-off)? I guess then he can just move up to big cars!