Thursday, October 30, 2008
Pumpkin Patch/ Carving Pumpkins
On Wed. we painted faces, went to the pumpkin patch, & carved pumpkins. The kids, of course, had a blast leaving Jeff & I exhausted!!!
My kitty cats!!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Ok so this post might be a little embarrasing in more than one way, but I don't care!! I know I go a little overboard on clothes for my kids but this is crazy! This week I decided to pull all of the kids clothes out while they were at school and sort them. The sad thing is, when I took this picture I had already sorted Isabell's and hers was this bad if not worse!!! I am not buying another kids clothing item for a looong time! (Izzy sure had fun pulling everything out with me!)
Monday, October 27, 2008
Watching Adi
A couple weeks ago the girls & I got to watch Adison while Josh & Rachel went to a wedding. Jeff was working at the firestation so I decided to take the girls to see him & the firetrucks. Adi was not to sure what to think about the enormous trucks, as you can see in this picture! Overall, they had a good time & Kami had a good time showing her where daddy (Uncle Jeff) "lives" when he his not home!
Are you surprised?!?
I love new faces! Izzy has recently figured out her "surprised" look and she does is all the time! What I love about it is that she uses it at surprised times so she actually understands the meaning! She is at such an awesome age, changing all the time. With her being our last baby, I am really wanting to enjoy every new thing she does. From now on all the infant baby loves are going to have to be fulfilled through nieces and nephews! Joyce~ I can't wait for little boy churchwell to arrive! Rachel~ SNAP,SNAP!!

Monday, October 20, 2008
Night Out
On Saturday night the kids stayed the night at Jeff's parents house and we had a night to ourselves! Brad was in town from college so Jeff and I went with Brad, Megan, Becky, Donnie, Wes, & one of his buddies to the TU football game. We all had a blast! TU won 77 to 35 or something like that! It was crazy. Becky has a lot more pictures so if I can steal them from her I'll try to post more later.

Another Beautiful Day!!
So I am posting about every other day now! I guess I have a lot to catch up on since I didn't post for over a month. I also cannot seem to remember my camera anymore so here are more pictures from my cellphone!! I know I have already talked about how nice the weather is but I can't say enough about how much we are loving it!~ I recently found a really nice double stroller at a garage sale in the area for $15 so Kami can ride with Isabell! They both think it is so much fun to ride together. I don't have any pictures of it yet but I will try to take some soon. I love getting a good deal!!
Jeff and the girls at the creek by our house~
Searching for crawfish~
Kamrynn & I~ She is getting so big! (Notice the Betty Boop doo-rag, this was one of her garage sale finds. She loves it! Lol...)
Sorry Michael~ I cut your head off a little, but look at Kam posing!!
Say cheese! Daddy & Izzy~

Friday, October 17, 2008
Cookie Time!!
Tonight the kids and I decided to make a sugar cookie art kit that we had and this is how they turned out!
Michael with his snake cookies...
Kamrynn with her snowman, and other assorted shapes!!

The cookies when they were all finished baking! Michael's turned into one big cookie, which Kami pointed out was the wrong way to do it and that hers looked so much better than his! This of course turned into a fight and ruined the whole experience. (not really, we actually had a lot of fun!)
Beautiful Weather!!!
The kids and I have been enjoying this awesome fall weather! This is my favorite time of year and I think I have passed that on to the kids. The other day the girls and I took a walk around the neighborhood and saw one of the horses around the block. It is the sweetest horse, he let us all pet him and didn't mind the constant yelling from Isabell! This is why I love the area we live in! We are in Tulsa city limits but still have enough land to have a horse! (or the people around us to have a horse, I don't think I'm ready to add that to my list just yet!) The pictures are a little crazy but we forgot the camera so I took them with my phone!
Kam with the horse! I was surprised she got this close!

Isabell and I petting the horse. She absolutely loved him!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Bad Aunt Mana
Beware Rachel & Joyce!! I left Marianna to watch Isabell one day and this is what I came home to! Her, sitting at the computer, laughing at a video she had uploaded to my computer. I just had to watch whatever could be so funny and this was what I watched!!!
Fun at the Tulsa State Fair!
So Jeff and I took Michael & Kamrynn to the fair and left miss Izzy with grandparents. The kids always want to ride rides and we were a little concerned about taking Izzy into all the madness! We had a great time! One thing we know is that Kam is our little daredevil! She will ride ANYTHING! And when she wasn't tall enough for the big rides she was not happy. I was pretty nervous the whole time. She is just so tiny and I kept thinking she was going to slide out of everything! Jeff on the other hand loves it that she is this way and encourages her to ride them all. He's nuts! (If you haven't noticed, I am trying to catch up on my posts!)
Kami in the BIG swings! (I won't even ride these!)
Daddy & Kami on the himilaya.
Mommy & Michael sitting in front of them on the himilaya.


Kami in the BIG swings! (I won't even ride these!)

Daddy & Kami on the himilaya.

Mommy & Michael sitting in front of them on the himilaya.

Izzy's 1st Birthday!!
Izzy turned 1 on Sunday! I can't believe that she is already 1!! So we had her party lastnight at the house and even though I know she could care less about everything, except the cake, we still did all the "fun" party stuff! She did ok with the presents, more interested than any of my other kids were at 1, but boy did she love her cake! That girl can eat like I have never seen a baby eat! She ate over a quarter of a double layer cake! We actually had to take it away from her b/c we were afraid she would be sick! She was NOT happy about that! Anyway, we had a great time with all the family over and Izzy thanks you all for her toys!!
Time for presents!
Cake time!
Pretty Smile!
All the little rugrats!!
Time for presents!
Cake time!
Pretty Smile!
All the little rugrats!!
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