Izzy turned 1 on Sunday! I can't believe that she is already 1!! So we had her party lastnight at the house and even though I know she could care less about everything, except the cake, we still did all the "fun" party stuff! She did ok with the presents, more interested than any of my other kids were at 1, but boy did she love her cake! That girl can eat like I have never seen a baby eat! She ate over a quarter of a double layer cake! We actually had to take it away from her b/c we were afraid she would be sick! She was NOT happy about that! Anyway, we had a great time with all the family over and Izzy thanks you all for her toys!!

Time for presents!

Cake time!

Pretty Smile!

All the little rugrats!!
How fun! I love it when kids get into the cake and I'd have to say this is the best I've seen so far! I think Sophie will probably just poke it all over.
Yeah, Izzy definitely got into the cake more than I have ever seen-she went in with 2 hands!
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