Monday, June 30, 2008

Sick momma & kids!

I think this will be my first post I have ever done without pictures but I really don't feel like doing all of that! Jeff started out sick with a cold on Friday, then I started getting a sore throat on Saturday, then Isabell & Kamrynn followed shortly after that. I got up Sunday morning & got completely ready for church and then started throwing up. There went church out the window!
So I was pretty much stuck on the couch all day long & I was very thankful that Jeff was home b/c it would have been BAD if he hadn't been there to help with Isabell! I thought I would get up this morning feeling a whole lot better, instead I woke up with a throbbing headache on top of the nasea! So much for all the cleaning I had planned on doing! AND Jeff had to go to work this morning! This is when I was very thankful to have older children! Michael and Kamrynn were such a help to me! They played with Izzy pretty much the whole time she was awake and then when she went down for a nap, I went and crawled in bed and was able to sleep uninterrupted for and hour & a half! After this nap, I slowly have recouped throughout the day and I am happy to report that I am pretty much over it all!
Sorry if this has been a lame post but I thought sure it would make someone feel better about their day! Anyway, hope this finds you having a better day than I have had! God Bless!


Shawna said... sorry! being sick is no fun at all.

Big kids are such a huge blessing, I wonder sometimes how I coped when they were little!

Hope you are fully better in the morning!

Marcie said...

No fun! Bummer about getting all ready before getting sick, sounds like you could have used that extra time in bed! Hope you're feeling better soon.

Abbey said...

Thanks guys! We are all feeling much better now!